What are FILLERS  ? 
FILLERS are flexible substances that can be injected into the skin to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, plump lips, fill hollow cheeks, repair various facial imperfections, improve scars,  and elevate deep folds. The result is a smoother, more youthful appearance with minimal "downtime" and maximum safety.
Dermatologists use a variety of FILLERS, including human and bovine (cattle) collagen, hyaluronic acid, autologous fat (one's own fat), and donor tissue. The growing number of available FILLERS s has greatly expanded the anti-aging and skin-saving treatments that dermatologists offer.  Since FILLERS substances do not involve major surgery and are generally cost-effective, men and women are using these youth-enhancing techniques more than ever.

What can FILLERS   do? 

The aging process generally causes a loss of volume as the underlying collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin fibers begin to deteriorate and fat stores in the face decrease. This most commonly occurs around the eyes, mouth, cheeks, jaw line, brow, and bridge of the nose, producing crow’s feet, laugh lines, folds and furrows on the forehead, and “hills and valleys” on the lower third of the face. FILLERS   have the unique ability to fill and contour these changes.
FILLERS s can be placed into the lips to create a fuller, more youthful look, or in the hollows of the cheeks to reduce a gaunt appearance. Facial scarring from acne or injury also responds well to soft tissue FILLERS  techniques.

How do FILLERS   work? 

A FILLER substance is injected beneath the surface of the skin where it corrects the line or wrinkle by temporarily plumping and smoothing out the skin depression. Most FILLERS replace the host components of the skin:  collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin. Some FILLERS also can stimulate production of collagen.
What are the ABC's of FILLERS? 

Dermatologists have developed a variety of FILLERS substances to address a wide range of cosmetic flaws and other needs of the individual patient. Each FILLER brings subtle, distinctive benefits. Sometimes more than one FILLER may be used to achieve the best results.  Some FILLERS provide longer-lasting results; others allow for more precision with fine lines, and still others can gradually bring the face into better balance, creating an overall rejuvenated appearance.
FILLERS are often considered the first line in the treatment of aging skin and are frequently used in combinations or with other techniques for facial rejuvenation.  Filling substances commonly used by dermatologists are:
Collagen — Collagen products give structure to the skin and are used to add volume to lips, raise the corners of the mouth, and redefine the shape of the nose. Collagen FILLERS may be layered with hyaluronic acid FILLERS to diminish deep wrinkles. Introduced nearly 20 years ago, bovine collagen has proven effective. Some patients may be allergic to bovine collagen; therefore, test doses are given to determine if a patient has a sensitivity. Human-derived collagen offers an alternative and does not require a skin test.   

Hyaluronic acid Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of human skin and is the framework in which skin cells live. There are several hyaluronic acid products available. Each has various characteristics that the dermatologist will take into account when choosing a FILLER. All hyaluronic acid products bind water and give the skin volume. These FILLERS can be used to fill hollow areas of the face, including the cheeks, and to plump lips.
Poly-L-lactic acid This FILLER is used to replace lost facial fat, giving the face a more youthful appearance.

Calcium hydroxyapatite Suspended in an aqueous gel is a semi permanent FILLERS which holds promise for long-term soft tissue augmentation.
What happens during and after treatment?
Injections are usually given in a dermatologist’s office. Before beginning treatment, a skin test may be administered to determine if you are likely to have an allergic reaction to the filling substance; however, most of the new FILLERS on the market do not require skin testing. The dermatologist may ask about the use of aspirin, warfarin (coumadin), alcohol, and green tea, since these may increase a patient’s tendency to bruise. 

Prior to the procedure, the face is cleaned and a topical or local anesthetic may be used. The FILLER is injected directly into the area to be treated using a very small needle. There may be a stinging or burning sensation as the FILLER is inserted. A series of treatment sessions may be necessary to fill and smooth the lines and wrinkles, or raise a depressed scar to the level of the surrounding skin. After the procedure, there may be some temporary swelling, redness, or minor bruising at the injection sites. This usually subsides quickly. Makeup can be applied immediately after the treatment.
Are there any possible risks? 

All medical procedures carry some risk. However, FILLERS are generally considered safe and effective. Apart from an allergic reaction to the injected substance, side effects are few and typically due to the local injection.
How long does the improvement last? 
This depends on the type of FILLERS used, the areas treated, and the ability of the patient's skin to absorb the materials. Results are generally long lasting with maintenance treatments performed after 3 to 6 months. Occasionally, touch-up treatments may be needed sooner. Correction of acne scarring, as well as the use of combination techniques, tends to last longer.
What are other treatment options? 
As experts on skin aging, dermatologists are uniquely qualified to employ a variety of corrective and preventive techniques to keep skin looking its best. In fact, dermatologists pioneered many of the dermatologic surgical treatments used today to preserve and maintain healthy, youthful-looking skin, particularly, FILLERS. The dermatologist will discuss alternative and complementary treatments to enhance the outcome of FILLERS procedures.


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